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How to Play Flute?

Before you start learning how to play flute, it is best to start with the advice of an instructor or a professional flute player. Attending an introductory class will help you know if the flute is the best choice for you. Once you are sure that you really want to become a flute player, the first step is to buy or rent a flute. Sometimes the schools where the beginners go learn flute, also offer the free use of the instrument to them.

Like any other musical instrument, learning the flute can seem like an intimidating task. But mastering the few basic steps is really simple. Learn to develop a good ear in first place. With plenty of practice and hard work, you will find playing flute not all that difficult. One of the important steps in learning how to play flute is to become well familiar with your new flute. You'll see three main parts of the flute - the head joint, the longer body joint and the short foot joint. Once you are through with that, you are ready to start playing flute!

Learning the flute is easy play when the instrument is kept in a horizontal line. It's good to look in a mirror while learning to play flute, as it will help you in keeping that position. Hold the head joint with your left hand and place your lower lip on the wide side of the embouchure. Now, put your right hand on the open end of the head joint and cover it.

Tucking in the corners of your mouth a little, blow gently across the hole. Avoid puffing your cheeks when you blow. The air should arise from your diaphragm. Practice this for several days.

When playing flute, your left-hand thumb should be on the triangle-shaped key on the back of the body, while your first finger will be placed on the second, small key on the front. Skip the next key, and place your second and third fingers on the next two keys. Your little finger should go on the lever that extends out from the body. Your right-hand thumb is used only to support the flute. The first, second and third fingers of your right hand will be placed on the last three keys before the foot joint. The smallest finger of your right hand will rest on the semi-circle key at the top of the foot joint. While learning the flute, most people feel quite awkward at first.

Remember to keep your mouth, throat and fingers relaxed when playing flute. If you have a lot of tension in your body, you will not be able to produce a smooth, rich sound. When you place the flute to your lips to blow, depending upon how much air is used, the note produced is either a low B-flat or a high B-flat. To be a flute player, one needs to practice these notes till they are as clear as they can make it. This may take several days practice or even more.

Go through a beginner lesson book when using the fingering chart and slowly work your way down the scale of the flute from your original B-flat. Work to make each note the best as it can be while playing flute. You will discover that regular practice will help you learn flute without any difficulties.